(C) 1998-2010 - Luca Deri  
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Statistics for hosts in AS 35221 Change name

Name Descending order, click to reverseLocationTCP/IPICMP 
SentRcvdSentRcvdSentRcvdSentRcvdSentRcvd Low Risk Flag for Ukraine (UA)7.9 MBytes100.0%5.4 MBytes99.9%21.0 KBytes16.4 KBytes7.9 MBytes5.4 MBytes012.0 KBytes00 Low Risk Flag for Ukraine (UA)2.8 KBytes0.0%3.4 KBytes0.1%003544082.5 KBytes3.0 KBytes00  

NOTE: AS numbers are either received via monitoring protocols (e.g. NetFlow) or read from the AS-list ntop configuration file.