(C) 1998-2010 - Luca Deri  
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Info about

IP Address94.74.87.156 [unicast] [ Purge Asset ]
Custom Host Name
First/Last SeenFri Sep 13 16:15:14 2024  -  Fri Sep 20 08:24:55 2024 [Inactive since 35 sec]
Autonomous System35221 [Ukrainian Multiservice Network, Ltd.]
Last MAC Address/Router Network Interface Card (NIC)/Router00:30:18:AB:14:78  [Jetway Information Co., Ltd.]
Origin AS35221
Host LocationRemote (outside specified/local subnet)
Physical LocationKiev, Ukraine Flag for Ukraine (UA)   
IP TTL (Time to Live)44:45 [~20 hop(s)]
Total Data Sent7.8 MBytes/90,523 Pkts/0 Retran. Pkts [0%]
Broadcast Pkts Sent0 Pkts
Data Sent Stats
Local 100 %
Rem 0 %
IP vs. Non-IP Sent
IP 100 %
Non-IP 0 %
Total Data Rcvd5.3 MBytes/47,099 Pkts/0 Retran. Pkts [0%]
Data Rcvd Stats
Local 100 %
Rem 0 %
IP vs. Non-IP Rcvd
IP 100 %
Non-IP 0 %
Sent vs. Rcvd Pkts
Sent 65.8 %
Rcvd 34.2 %
Sent vs. Rcvd Data
Sent 59.4 %
Rcvd 40.6 %
Further Host Information[ Whois ]
Host Healthness (Risk Flags) High Risk Medium Risk Low Risk
  1. Low RiskUnexpected packets (e.g. traffic to closed port or connection reset):
    [Rcvd: hostnet unreac] 


Host Traffic Stats

TimeTot. Traffic Sent% Traffic SentTot. Traffic Rcvd% Traffic Rcvd
8 AM 15.6 KBytes1.6 %10.1 KBytes1.6 %
7 AM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.3 KBytes3.9 %
6 AM 38.3 KBytes4.0 %25.6 KBytes4.0 %
5 AM 38.1 KBytes4.0 %25.4 KBytes3.9 %
4 AM 38.0 KBytes4.0 %25.5 KBytes3.9 %
3 AM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.3 KBytes3.9 %
2 AM 38.1 KBytes4.0 %25.4 KBytes3.9 %
1 AM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %26.7 KBytes4.1 %
12 AM 41.6 KBytes4.4 %31.3 KBytes4.8 %
11 PM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.3 KBytes3.9 %
10 PM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.3 KBytes3.9 %
9 PM 38.1 KBytes4.0 %25.4 KBytes3.9 %
8 PM 38.3 KBytes4.0 %25.6 KBytes4.0 %
7 PM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.3 KBytes3.9 %
6 PM 38.1 KBytes4.0 %25.7 KBytes4.0 %
5 PM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.3 KBytes3.9 %
4 PM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.3 KBytes3.9 %
3 PM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.3 KBytes3.9 %
2 PM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.4 KBytes3.9 %
1 PM 37.9 KBytes4.0 %25.3 KBytes3.9 %
12 PM 38.5 KBytes4.1 %25.8 KBytes4.0 %
11 AM 44.9 KBytes4.7 %29.9 KBytes4.6 %
10 AM 51.9 KBytes5.5 %34.8 KBytes5.4 %
9 AM 69.5 KBytes7.4 %55.5 KBytes8.6 %


Packet Statistics

AnomalyPkts Sent toPkts Rcvd from
ICMP Net Unreachable0  95


Protocol Distribution

ProtocolData SentData Rcvd
TCP21.0 KBytes  16.4 KBytes 
UDP7.8 MBytes100% 5.3 MBytes


ICMP0.0 KBytes  11.5 KBytes 
Protocol Distribution
IP Distribution


ICMP Traffic

TypePkt SentPkt Rcvd


Last Contacted Peers

Sent ToIP Address
30:23:03:C4:EB:9E Network Card 
Total Contacts6
Received FromIP Address
30:23:03:C4:EB:9E Network Card 
Total Contacts6


TCP/UDP - Traffic on Other Ports

Client PortServer Port


TCP/UDP Recently Used Ports

Client PortServer Port