(C) 1998-2010 - Luca Deri  
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Info about

IP Address162.159.192.5 [unicast] [ Purge Asset ]
Custom Host Name
First/Last SeenFri Sep 20 07:29:20 2024  -  Fri Sep 20 08:31:52 2024 [Inactive since 1:25]
Last MAC Address/Router Network Interface Card (NIC)/Router00:30:18:AB:14:78  [Jetway Information Co., Ltd.]
Host LocationRemote (outside specified/local subnet)
IP TTL (Time to Live)55:55 [~9 hop(s)]
Total Data Sent9.6 MBytes/9,613 Pkts/0 Retran. Pkts [0%]
Broadcast Pkts Sent0 Pkts
Data Sent Stats
Local 100 %
Rem 0 %
IP vs. Non-IP Sent
IP 100 %
Non-IP 0 %
Total Data Rcvd1.7 MBytes/8,974 Pkts/0 Retran. Pkts [0%]
Data Rcvd Stats
Local 100 %
Rem 0 %
IP vs. Non-IP Rcvd
IP 100 %
Non-IP 0 %
Sent vs. Rcvd Pkts
Sent 51.7 %
Rcvd 48.3 %
Sent vs. Rcvd Data
Sent 85.3 %
Rcvd 14.7 %
Further Host Information[ Whois ]
Host Healthness (Risk Flags) High Risk Medium Risk Low Risk
  1. Low RiskUnexpected packets (e.g. traffic to closed port or connection reset):
    [Rcvd: port unreac] 


Host Traffic Stats

TimeTot. Traffic Sent% Traffic SentTot. Traffic Rcvd% Traffic Rcvd
8 AM 8.2 MBytes84.8 %1.2 MBytes72.2 %
7 AM 1.5 MBytes15.2 %471.0 KBytes27.8 %
6 AM 00.0 %00.0 %
5 AM 00.0 %00.0 %
4 AM 00.0 %00.0 %
3 AM 00.0 %00.0 %
2 AM 00.0 %00.0 %
1 AM 00.0 %00.0 %
12 AM 00.0 %00.0 %
11 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
10 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
9 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
8 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
7 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
6 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
5 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
4 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
3 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
2 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
1 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
12 PM 00.0 %00.0 %
11 AM 00.0 %00.0 %
10 AM 00.0 %00.0 %
9 AM 00.0 %00.0 %


Packet Statistics

AnomalyPkts Sent toPkts Rcvd from
UDP Pkt to Closed Port3 0 
ICMP Port Unreachable0  3


Protocol Distribution

ProtocolData SentData Rcvd
UDP9.6 MBytes


1.7 MBytes100
ICMP0.0 KBytes  0.2 KBytes 
IPsec7.9 MBytes


0.0 KBytes 
Protocol Distribution
IP Distribution


ICMP Traffic

TypePkt SentPkt Rcvd


Last Contacted Peers

Sent ToIP Address 
Total Contacts2
Received FromIP Address 
Total Contacts2


TCP/UDP Service/Port Usage

IP ServicePort# Client Sess.Last Client Peer# Server Sess.Last Server Peer
isakmp500  11529/8.3 MBytes10.0.0.40


TCP/UDP - Traffic on Other Ports

Client PortServer Port


TCP/UDP Recently Used Ports

Client PortServer Port