(C) 1998-2010 - Luca Deri  
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Global Traffic Statistics

Network Interface(s)
NameDeviceTypeSpeedSampling RateMTUHeaderAddressIPv6 Addresses
eth8 Change nameeth8Ethernet  015141410.0.0.1::/0
Local Domain Namesmkdipo2rawalo.sch.id 
Sampling SinceFri Sep 13 16:14:37 2024 [4 days 17:05:06]
Hosts[3018 active ] [3430 total ]


Traffic Report for 'eth8' [switch]

Dropped (libpcap)0.0%415,093
Dropped (ntop)0.0%0
Total Received (ntop)912,795,422
Total Packets Processed912,795,422
Shortest39 bytes
Average Size704 bytes
Longest45,238 bytes
Size <= 64 bytes2.1%19,296,560
64 < Size <= 128 bytes35.2%321,055,273
128 < Size <= 256 bytes3.7%33,468,473
256 < Size <= 512 bytes1.2%11,371,886
512 < Size <= 1024 bytes1.5%13,320,781
1024 < Size <= 1518 bytes51.0%465,502,389
Size > 1518 bytes5.3%48,780,060
Packets too long [> 1514]5.3%48,784,546
Bad Packets (Checksum)0.0%0
Total769.7 GBytes [912,795,422 Pkts]
IPv4 Traffic691.7 GBytes [912,262,663 Pkts]
Fragmented IPv4 Traffic5.9 MBytes [0.0%]
Non IPv4 Traffic78.0 GBytes
Average TTL64
TTL <= 320.0%142,611
32 < TTL <= 6474.8%682,446,900
64 < TTL <= 960.2%1,770,162
96 < TTL <= 12824.3%221,783,387
128 < TTL <= 1600.0%2,844
160 < TTL <= 1920.0%17
192 < TTL <= 2240.0%447
224 < TTL <= 2560.7%6,116,301
Network Load
Actual105.7 Mbit/s15346.2 Pkt/s
Last Minute75.0 Mbit/s11446.6 Pkt/s
Last 5 Minutes152.3 Mbit/s21976.0 Pkt/s
Peak249.0 Mbit/s32827.5 Pkt/s
Average15.5 Mbit/s2242.2 Pkt/s
Historical Data [ View rrd charts of historical data for this interface ]


Global Protocol Distribution

IP691.7 GBytes89.9%
TCP250.3 GBytes 36.2%


UDP440.4 GBytes 63.7%


ICMP1020.1 MBytes 0% 
ICMPv6175.9 KBytes 0% 
IPsec2.9 KBytes 0% 
IGMP56.3 KBytes 0% 
Other IP85.9 KBytes 0% 
(R)ARP19.4 MBytes 0% 
DLC742.1 KBytes 0% 
IPsec1.2 GBytes 0% 
IPv620.6 MBytes 0% 
Other2.1 MBytes 0% 


Global TCP/UDP Protocol Distribution

TCP/UDP ProtocolDataFlowsAccumulated Percentage / Historical Protocol View
FTP20.8 KBytes 260% 
HTTP643.2 GBytes 470,256,25793.0%


DNS49.0 MBytes 226,1510% 
Telnet33.8 KBytes 630% 
NBios/CIFS748.7 KBytes 2,6770% 
Mail226.7 KBytes 00% 
NFS/AFS1.4 KBytes 180% 
VoIP8.0 MBytes 9,2790% 
X11433.1 KBytes 2,2800% 
SSH235.5 MBytes 450% 
Gnutella0.3 KBytes 40% 
eDonkey20.6 KBytes 960% 
BitTorrent76.5 KBytes 270% 
Messenger13.5 KBytes 10% 
Other TCP/UDP-based Protocols48.2 GBytes 58,062,7207.0%


Accumulated View
  • What is a flow?
    • TCP: a flows is a TCP connection.
    • UDP: a flow is a set of packets with the same protocol/peers/port.
  • TCP flows are not accounted for fully (sender and recipient) remote peers.


TCP/UDP Traffic Port Distribution:
Last Minute View

TCP/UDP PortTotalSentRcvd
https443121.6 MBytes109.8 MBytes11.8 MBytes
64644646449.6 MBytes104.3 KBytes9.5 MBytes
34337343375.8 MBytes34.4 KBytes5.7 MBytes
38176381764.6 MBytes4.4 MBytes185.1 KBytes
41698416984.5 MBytes252.0 KBytes4.2 MBytes
41680416804.4 MBytes206.8 KBytes4.2 MBytes
50896508963.3 MBytes90.3 KBytes3.3 MBytes
57290572903.2 MBytes109.2 KBytes3.1 MBytes
59076590763.1 MBytes168.6 KBytes2.9 MBytes
42874428743.0 MBytes48.5 KBytes3.0 MBytes
47202472022.7 MBytes139.4 KBytes2.5 MBytes
48783487832.6 MBytes18.0 KBytes2.6 MBytes
38792387922.4 MBytes12.5 KBytes2.4 MBytes
20907209072.4 MBytes119.9 KBytes2.2 MBytes
37982379822.3 MBytes28.7 KBytes2.3 MBytes
62031620312.0 MBytes65.6 KBytes1.9 MBytes
60470604701.7 MBytes26.4 KBytes1.7 MBytes
54634546341.6 MBytes41.7 KBytes1.6 MBytes
44534445341.6 MBytes14.9 KBytes1.6 MBytes
54371543711.5 MBytes81.9 KBytes1.5 MBytes
950295021.3 MBytes1.3 MBytes60.6 KBytes
40556405561.3 MBytes9.1 KBytes1.3 MBytes
40029400291.3 MBytes11.4 KBytes1.3 MBytes
55482554821.2 MBytes17.2 KBytes1.2 MBytes
45712457121.2 MBytes94.7 KBytes1.1 MBytes
52265522651.2 MBytes61.8 KBytes1.1 MBytes
48279482791.2 MBytes13.7 KBytes1.1 MBytes
41027410271.1 MBytes9.7 KBytes1.1 MBytes
53435534351.1 MBytes35.2 KBytes1.0 MBytes
fs-qos411111.1 MBytes9.2 KBytes1.1 MBytes
43852438521.1 MBytes50.0 KBytes1.0 MBytes
57948579481.0 MBytes25.5 KBytes1.0 MBytes
  • sum(total traffic per port) = 2*(total IP traffic)
    because the traffic per port is counted twice (sent and received)
  • This report includes broadcast packets

This extract is just a sample of the packets ntop has seen.